The TDS Remote Viewing System – Motivations and Results – larger universe – 2002

Ingo Swann, a key historical contributor to the historical development of structured, systematic remote viewing, made the now generally accepted distinction between two kinds of remote viewing: spontaneous remote viewing, the kind which occurs spontaneously, naturally, or for reasons unknown, and controlled remote viewing, which is a significantly structured process intentionally engaged in by the viewer. (The label of “controlled remote viewing” used to identify a category of RV is not to be confused with “Controlled Remote Viewing” or “CRV”, the specific military-intelligence form of controlled remote viewing utilized by Lyn Buchanan and others.)

The process of controlled remote viewing relies upon the application of micro and macro routines, physical and mental, which are integrated into a systematized process. This process is assisted by various prompts and tools which guide the viewer to and about the target, and facilitate the description of what is perceived there. Any controlled RV system involves both paraconscious/intuitive faculties, the conscious mind’s adherence to the rules and procedures of the RV system, and automatized subconscious responses which help pull it all together. This much we know, but the deep principles which underlie the phenomenon itself have yet to be discovered.

At this point in the historical development of remote viewing , we think it makes total sense to critically analyze every aspect of what goes into devising and using a remote viewing system. What has been done so far in the RV field is based upon the experiences of a fairly limited number of viewers, and a multitude of tentative and disparate explanations. This is not to say that tremendously useful research has not been done, but what has been put forth is not conclusive. (We will gradually be relating our working hypotheses, models and other specifics which underlie the Transdimensional RV system in the Documented Thoughts section of this site.)

The TransDimensional approach to controlled remote viewing is unapologetically progressive. We’ve taken our own and other viewer’s subjective experiences, the extensive and objective knowledge gained from our work with training and advanced viewer development at The Farsight Institute, and what has been done in the RV field specifically and generally since Ingo Swann’s original conception of RV, as informed vantage points for taking a fresh look at how controlled remote viewing seems to work in general. Of course, the more one figures out how something works on the use-level, the more leads there are to discovering what is happening on the level of scientific principle.

There is also a wealth of evidence to be culled from the entire body of psi research and anecdotal accounts of “paranormal” visions. From all these diverse sources, scientific and anecdotal, we have developed a substantially revised system of those physical and mental routines which a viewer utilizes to access and describe a given target. It has entirely new components as well. But what we think really sets it apart is the dynamism which the parts give to the whole. It is dynamic in several important respects. In fact, we almost dubbed it Dynamically Controlled Remote Viewing, but decided that that should be an actual sub-category of controlled remote viewing. Instead, we call it the TransDimensional Remote Viewing System, or TDRVS for “short.” (We honestly don’t like acronyms, but they do make it easier to write a sentence!)

The TDRV system is a complex of integrated, progressive, and hierarchical techniques and tools. It is dynamic in several important respects. First of all, numerous techniques and tools are discretionary, being used in response to the nature of the objective (target) particulars, the style of the viewer, and the level of information which the viewer or tasker wants to obtain. This means that the process of remote viewing can be more intuitive, flexible and efficient, yet there is no loss of structure or clarity. Secondly, many system components are intentionally devised so that, over the course of time, a given viewer can gradually consolidate, customize, or even discard sub-components to make the whole process more natural. In many cases, these components would then only exist in the viewers psyche as mnemonic templates for data-gathering routines.

So why make a remote viewing system so dynamic? The reason is that remote viewing is essentially a kind of performance, like high-level karate or music. TDRVS is especially process orientated because we have learned that the viewer must keep moving along, yet be highly responsive and precise in their actions, for the perceiving and describing of the objective (target) to be optimized. The viewer must be able to use the required tools and techniques with as little confusion or trouble as possible, while still keeping the conscious mind occupied and interested in its job of adhering to the learned system. Additionally, we have labeled (with no pointless jargon or lab-speak), categorized, and correlated various parts of the system so that it is very clear to the well-trained viewer what all the options are, and how and when to use them.

The route to making these changes and improvements to controlled RV was not at all obvious. It required good original training, critical analysis, intuition, learning from our mistakes, dialogue with our remote viewing associates, and the willingness to experiment. One cannot be dogmatically attached to any particular model of how an RV system should be structured, or to any theory zealously proposed to explain what the phenomenon of remote viewing “really” is, at least if progress is important to you.. We are interested in what works the best as proven by experience, indicated by research, and clarified by the best hypotheses and models.

Simply put, remote viewing is no different than any other area of scientific inquiry or human resource development in respect to its advancement as a technique. One can intelligently and intuitively optimize every aspect of the endeavor. We believe in and have confidence in our approach, but are at the same time humbled by the enormity of it all. We know that our models and techniques are just so many steps in a very long and challenging road that probably never ends. Of course, that is not a bad thing when your “job” is to go travelling through space, time, and other dimensions as yet unnamed, and to show as many people as possible how to travel along the way!

Trans-Dimensional Remote Viewing in 2022

TDRV (Trans-Dimensional Remote Viewing) is an iteration of CRV (Controled Remote Viewing). This remote viewing methodology was tweaked from CRV in the 1990’s by Trans-Dimensional Systems, one of the very few, fully functioning, remote viewing think tanks. Being a civilian operation working with corporate to gov, this was tailored to accommodate the goals of TDS and the people we worked with. John is currently the only person publicly training the TDRV style.

John Vivanco:

Shorty after the declassification, John was trained in this method of information retrieval, and because of his skills, he quickly became a professional Remote Viewer and Director of Operations for one of the few successful civilian remote viewing think tanks to date – Trans Dimensional Systems.

He remote viewed and ran teams of remote viewers on client projects; from the technology and financial sector, to counter-terror for the FBI, and mysterious projects for other alphabet agencies.

After closing shop in the early 2000’s due to death threats, and continual harassment by a covert group intent on shutting the business down, John turned his focus to pursuing his interest in TV and media, while still running a team of Remote Viewers under RightHemispheric.

The Trans-Dimensional Remote Viewing manual

John Vivanco kindly agreed to present the TDS manual here online. Please read the text supporting this on this page and if you have any questions or would lie to be trained in this method of remote viewing please contact John at the links provided.

Click to download as pdf file.

For classes and further information contact:

John’s videos can be found on Youtube here:

I had a great Interview and public chat with John which can be seen here:

How to Remote View (TDRV) – with Walter Nowosad & John Vivanco

The TDS Remote Viewing System – Created by Prudence Calabrese, Pt1-7

TDS Aurora Bomb: Street RV.
(Transdimensional Systems)


Created by Prudence Callabrese who initially trained at the Farsight Institute with Courtney Brown. Prudence quit the public remote viewing field in 2003.

Prudence Calabrese is the founder and Director of TransDimensional Systems, which provides information solutions to government, corporations and individuals using an array of alternative and paranormal services including remote viewing, knosomatics, intuitive counseling, technology transfer, consciousness mapping, physical profiling and other techniques. She has trained hundreds of students.

Prudence is the author of the book,Intentions: The Intergalactic Bathroom Enlightenment Guide and her second, soon to published book, The Knosomatic Papers. Prudence has presented at many conferences including the New Science/Ancient Wisdom Conference and the International UFO Congress.

This is a great resource for those who find the military speak and formal nature of CRV (controlled Remote Viewing) too stiff.

TDS – Aurorabomb – Remote Viewing Manual

Created by Prudence Callabrese, This method/instruction manual is called Aurora Bomb: Street RV and was released in 2002. This is a modern, fun and less ‘stuffy’ approach to a remote viewing methodology than the original source method from the U.S. Military.

Prudences writings & website (2002)

Pru’s website  – captured in 2020

Who’s Who In TDS – Prudence, John Vivanceo, Cy Shinkawa, Roma Zanders, Don Walker, Jon Knowles, Kathy Vaquilar

Prudence Calabrese’s Written Archive (captured 2004)

TDRV System Outline and Definitions – 2004

The TDS Remote Viewing System Motivations and Results – 2004

Pru’s Universe (Pru’s online journal) – 2004

Remote Viewing from the Ground Up – Book – Jon Knowles –

John Vivanco TDS trainer