This week Courtney Brown of The Farsight Institute released a video remote viewing project on what can only be described as a ‘possible’ anomaly on the surface of the moon in a photograph. This project uses several remote viewers (including myself) working blindly to try to describe the blind target.
This project lasted for quite some months and was the longest project I had worked with Courtney with several months between my last paper based RV session and my needing to go back and RV on white board LIVE for the camera. For the Farsight project I worked approx nine paper rv sessions split between two targets and eventually nine short RV sessions LIVE on camera. Courtney brown also had two others from his Farsight stable also work the target. All the data seems to be consistent across all the Remote viewing sessions. All seems to describe man made type structures, objects, life, vehicles and other things all on or above the surface of the moon.
The funny thing is…
The funny and interesting thing in all this is that this was my third BLIND target on the very same moon structure spanning eight years. Each tasker on these targets had tasked me the target blindly, I worked them solo and full alone.
This anomaly target was tasked to me:
- 2010 – tasker Rick Hilleard
- 2011 – tasker Jerry Harthcock
- 2018 – tasker Courtney Brown
On all three of these project spanning a decade each was worked by multiple semi – to very experienced remote viewers with ALL of them describing similar data and things.
So in summary:
- I worked this target by three different and separate project taskings by three different taskers
- Many years apart.
- Including myself there are Multiple viewers all describing he same things
- All the projects worked BLIND
- The data seems to be consistent across all three tasking/taskers, projects and years.
Here are sample sketches from each of my Taskings on the moon structure/s.

Now, What does this mean?
Now, that’s the sixty four thousand dollar question – what does it all mean? For me it indicates that there ‘may’ just be something to this after all and that there may just be some structures on the moon that are not human/man made.
I find it very interesting that each attempt at what is essentially the same target, but years apart and from different taskers with what I assume are different reasons for tasking these targets, the data seems to get more accurate over time/exposure or maybe i am just improving.
Another element that interests me greatly is the fact that all viewers from across different schools/teachers/methods, form different viewpoints on conspiracies, thoughts of structure on planets and moons in our solar system – the data still seems to say the same thing.
Add to this that we are only a small few of the many remote viewers (see Ingo Swann – Penetration book) who have reported seeing life, vehicles and structure on the moon and you have a very interesting discussion.
BUT – i am also VERY aware that the feedback images to validate the remote viewing data at this point in time are imo, not sufficient enough ‘yet’ to confirm nor deny the accuracy of this data.
At this point – its just an interesting thing!
Download the full pdf of the first target remote viewing sessions here.(Tasker Jerry Harthcock)
Download the full pdf of the first target remote viewing sessions here.(Tasker Rick Hilleard)
Download Part1 full pdf of the first target remote viewing sessions here.(Tasker Courtney Brown)
Download Part2 in full pdf of the first target remote viewing sessions here. (Tasker Courtney Brown)
(© Daz Smith/Txception)