This was a project I participated in for the Farsight Institue in 2015. I was BLIND and ONLY given the coordinate: Target14.
My entire paper based remote viewing done over several months as a warm-up before I took it all to white board is here as a pdf file.
This video was created by Dick Allgire in Feb 2106 and originally posted to his youtube channel – but I wanted to add it to mine for prosperity.
Originally a project for the Farsight institute in 2015 this is a video of some of the remote viewing data that ended up on the cutting floor. Courtney wasn’t interested in the part where i kind of go off reservation and follow JFK through the death process as his targets were the actual event and the people involved.
So Dick and myself took the info and created this short film as we felt it important to share.
Remote viewer Daz Smith sets out on an incredible journey as he works a blind remote viewing target for the Farsight Institute. He’s told nothing more than “this is target 14-A,” but finds himself witnessing the John F. Kennedy assassination, and Kennedy’s transformation at his moment of physical death. This video gives an inside look at the remote viewing process and a dramatic example of where it can take you.
The Farsight original DVD set part1 and 2 are free on youtube here: and
The Remote-Viewing Targets for This Project:
Part 1: The Shooters: The viewer will remote view the assassination of John F. Kennedy as it occurred in Dealey Plaza in Dallas on Friday, November 22, 1963. The viewer will perceive the assassination itself in all of its complexity as well as any preparatory activity immediately prior to the assassination that may be related to the assassination.
Part 2: The Organizers: The viewer will remote view the highest level organizational and planning meeting that orchestrated the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The viewer will perceive the individuals involved in the meeting, the thoughts and emotions of those individuals, and the hierarchical structure around which those involved in the assassination are organized. Note: The above target descriptions were given to the remote viewers only AFTER all of the remote viewing was completed and delivered for this project.

Note: Dec1 2021: With data being released all the time – this new documentary by Oliver Stone adds new weight to the Remote viewing data we presented in 2015: If this topic interests you then I recommend this new film – JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass | Altitude Films.