This is a copy of the RAW whiteboard remote viewing sessions done for this project under the Farsight Institute. As with ALL remote viewing – remember to evaluate the data using OTHER sources of information.
On the morning of June 30th, 1908, an explosion occurred in Siberia, Russia. It happened near the Stony Tunguska River in a sparsely populated area known as Eastern Siberian Taiga. Approximately 800 sq. miles, or more than 2,000 sq. kilometers were flattened. It is hard to overstate the magnitude of the explosion. 30 million trees were flattened, and there was an area of approximately 200 sq. kilometers where the vegetation was burned. There have been many estimates of the force of the explosion, and they range from 10 to 90 Megatons. 15 megatons is about 1,000 greater than the nuclear explosion that destroyed Hiroshima at the end of World War II.
There were approximately 700 witnesses, and they report seeing at least one object flying horizontally across the sky. Some evidence suggests there were two intersecting objects coming from different directions. There was a huge shock wave producing an impact on the ground that was similar to a 5.0 magnitude earthquake, using the standard Richter scale. Some of the witnesses, albeit distant from the explosion, were knocked off their feet by the shock wave as it travelled outward.
The target tasking for this project was:
Target #17: The viewer will remote view the event known as the “Tunguska Event” that occurred on the morning of 30 June 1908. This event involved a large explosion over Eastern Siberian Taiga, near the Stony Tunguska River, in Yeniseysk Governorate (now Krasnoyarsk Krai). This event resulted in the flattening of forest over more than 2,000 sq. km, or 800 sq. miles. The viewer will perceive the explosion itself, as well and the cause of the explosion. The viewer will also perceive other elements that attract the attention of the remote viewer that directly relate to the explosion and its cause. Note: The above target description was given to the remote viewers only AFTER the remote viewers had completed and delivered all remote viewing (paper sessions and video) for this project.
Daz Smith full paper Remote viewing session for this target is here as a pdf file.
Also here are two practice CRV sessions from two of the Star Gate remote viewers for the same target – Tunguska event.