Project Star Gate - the documents

Book review – The Star Gate Archives: Reports of the United States Government Sponsored Psi Program, 1972-1995

During the Cold War, the U.S. government began testing paranormal claims under laboratory conditions in hopes of realizing intelligence applications for psychic phenomena. Thus began the project known as Star Gate. The largest in the history of parapsychological research, it received more than $20 million in funding and continued into the mid-1990s. This project archive…

Remote viewing - is it broken?

Remote Viewing – Is it broken?

IN 2017 I participated in an IRVA conference discussion with Pam Coronado and John Cook or the possible role of Telepathy within remote viewing. I collected examples of RV sessions that seem to indicate that the connection and communication between Remote Viewing taskers and viewers may be more complex and intimate than previously thought. These…


The Idea of Ingo

Whilst looking through the Ingo Swann archived papers and files at The University of West Georgia I found this file.Its called the Idea of Ingo and its from one of his admirers. In this time of global Pandemic when everyone is feeling down and stressed I thought it would be an idea time to share…

Remote Viewing the Moon

Remote Viewing the Moon

This week Courtney Brown of The Farsight Institute released a video remote viewing project on what can only be described as a ‘possible’ anomaly on the surface of the moon in a photograph. This project uses several remote viewers (including myself) working blindly to try to describe the blind target. This project lasted for quite…
