For the very best remote viewing news, examples, theories, articles and much much more there is eight martinis.
eight martinis remoet viewing magazine is FREE to download and can also be ordered as full colour printed editions for you to keep forever.
Each is packed with articles and examples from the key players within the field of remote viewing.
The latest issue (Issue 10) has these articles:
- The Hidden Gem: Hitomi & the God Particle by Dick Allgire
- In Search of a Cure for Cancer by Tunde Atunrase
- Step out of the Box: A Time-Sensitive, Front Loaded Case Study. by Angela Thompson Smith Ph.D.
- Remote Viewing and Reverse Speech: A powerful combination by Gail Clayton Husick
- Ground Report from a CRV Newbie by Ronald D. Kuhn & Teresa Frisch
- The “Pictolanguage” of Psi Sketches by Jon Knowles
- Remote Viewing Vs Its Skeptics by ingo Swann (1996)
- Hitomi Akamatsu Remote Viewing Example: The Piazza San Marco by Hitomi Akamatsu
- Remote Viewing Notice Board
- Remote Viewing Websites & Resources
- Daz Smith’s suggested reading – Remote viewing books this winter.
Click here for further details.