Before Modern remote Viewing
In the world of everyday existence, the five senses reign, but their powers are sharply limited. We perceive the universe in glimpses through narrow portals, acquiring our knowledge by sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. But what if there were more than this? what if there were other ways of seeing?
All over the world, from time immemorial, some people have been called gifted, known as the second sight, the third eye, the sixth sense – powers that seem to bypass the usual sensory channels and transcend reality.Shamans have commuted with their god’s. saints have seen visions, and oracles have foretold the death of king’s. And from time to time ordinary people have felt a momentary slippage into the strange world of the unknown.
In ancient times, people spoke of prophecies and miracles. In our more rational age, such things tend to be called extra sensory perception (ESP), defined as the apparent reception of information through means other than the sensory channels.
These ‘special’ or ‘gifted’ people have existed through every age, and at times have had a great effect on history.
Joan of Arc, the peasant girl of Orleans, claimed to hear voices that told her she was divinely appointed to rout the English from French soil. The predictions she revealed in the course of her short life were accurate. The English did withdraw, and she even foretold her own imprisonment and death saying that she would last ‘but one year or a little more’. Almost five hundred years after burning her at the stake, the church declared Joan a saint.
There have been many ‘gifted’ insightful and intuitive people over the centuries, creative and inspirational thinkers. They all helped us understand our connectedness to the universe and they led the way to our new and developing understanding of the mechanisms of intuition.
Psychic, PSI and ESP.
There are four types of extrasensory perception (ESP) that are commonly studied and experienced.
- Telepathy – which is the transference of thoughts from one person to another. And is thought to occur most often in people such as, identical twins, and others with a high emotional bond.
- Clairvoyance – or the awareness of distant people, objects and events. Sometimes comes in the form of a vision, but more commonly as a quick flash of a mental image.
- Precognition – is the seeing or knowing of something before it actually happens. Occurs as a vision, mental flash or in a dream.
- Psychokinesis – ‘distant matter’ or moving/affecting object & things using only the power of the mind.
Many scientist and skeptics scoff at ESP research, but gallop polls have continuously shown a high level of belief in this phenomena. Some of the practices like Remote Viewing have years of scientific data spanning many millions of trials form many different scientific laboratories, and to some scientist the reality of an effect has been proven beyond all doubt, yet to others, well lets just say they remain skeptical.
There are many instances of stories and experiences whereby a natural form of remote viewing seemed to have been in effect from the earliest of time and human experiences right up to the 1970’s when the CIA started to take notice. This then started the modern Remote Viewing era as funding was poured into secret research at SRI.
SRI (Stanford research Institute) – the begining of Remote Viewing.
In the early 1970’s (’72) reports started filtering out from the former USSR that psychic research was being taken seriously. This coupled with the released of the book ‘Psychic discoveries from behind the iron curtain’ caused the intelligence community to look into psychic research or fall behind. After all if the enemy was looking into this – then so should they.
In 1972 The CIA following up on these leads approached scientists at SRI (Stanford Research Institute). SRI was eventually tasked with the research and asked to come up with a repeatable, reliable method or psychic technique that could be used for intelligence and taught. For over two decades the remote viewing experiments of Russel Targ & Harold Puthoff continued at SRI. The team expanded remote viewing attempts over vast distances and delivered a training methodology to the American Military in 1985. This was called CRV (Controlled remote Viewing) and was the culmination of over a decade of research into the mechanism of psychic functioning by Hal Puthoff and a talented New York Intuitive, artists and author – Ingo Swann.
An infographic remote viewing history, its participants and its milestones can be viewed here.
In the early years of the SRI research a handful of intuitive’s were used and experimented with to great effect these included:
- Hella Hammid
- Pat Price
- Joe McMoneagle
- Ingo Swann
- Uri Geller
- and many others
One subject a photographer by the name of Hella Hammid, was judged to have described correctly five out of nine target sites, a feat that beat odds of 500,000 to 1.
Hella Hammid Remote viewing demonstration with Targ
Project Scanate – Pat price, Ingo Swann and Hella Hammid.