Remote Viewing bibliography.

Remote Viewing bibliography.








I would like to state that the remote Viewing bibliography is in BETA (development) mode. It does not include everything you can find – its very much an ongoing work in progress. Over time I hope to actually link many of the Remote Viewing papers and documents listed for easier access to them. I would like to thank people who have helped in this Remote Viewing bibliography, from which I have begged borrowed and stolen: Angela T Smith, Stephan Schwartz, Vernon Neppe, the SSE and Palyne ‘PJ’ Gaenir for sharing their resources and work in the field of Remote Viewing.

Please if you have anything you feel of value to add to this ongoing and growing Remote Viewing resource then please email your suggestions to me.

Because this resources is starting to become massive I have sub categorized the resources – click on a link below or the the right to see its contents. You can also use the search facility (in the header bar) to search this site for specific content.


Remote Viewing Books

Remote Viewing Papers

Remote Viewing Videos

Remote Viewing Articles

Remote Viewing Newsgroup posts

Remote Viewing Transcripts

NEW – Remote Viewing Community Discussion videos through Zoom