Remote Viewing 9/11: A New Intuitive Perspective on the New York and Washington, D.C. Terror Attacks. by Daz Smith
In 2014 Courtney Brown from the Farsight Institute blindly tasked two remote viewers; Daz Smith and Dick Allgire in a series of seven linked targets which dealt with different components of the 9/11 attacks. Over a period of weeks both remote viewers worked these targets under BLIND/SOLO conditions. This book contains 200 pages of the paper and pen warm-up Remote Viewing sessions that Daz Smith created for this project before he completed the remote viewing LIVE on camera on white board.
Buy a printed copy of the book on Amazon here:
I have decided to give you this book FREE as a download for a limited period because I want to share a full example RV session working on a BLIND and operational project. This will help some of you to understand the needs of you as a remote viewer and the work involved in some of these client related RV projects.
The Actual video for this project from FARSIGHT is also now online for FREE here:
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