This short piece is a rewrite of a previous article we were going to release but now rewritten with a warning. What I saw happening this last two years with people trying to link Remote viewing with CE5 has now stepped-up even more these last few days.
For many of us who have spent our lives learning the art of remote viewing and its complicated and sometimes obscure history, one of the names from the past always springs forth. That is the legend , Patrick Price . Pat’s short but sweet participation in the U.S. government remote viewing program remains one of myth and intrigue – a mishmash of CIA involvement, Scientology, Russian spying, aliens & UAPS, and then his mysterious death in 1975 several weeks after being employed by the CIA.
A Star Gate CIA FOIA file1 on Pat Price states:
// In 1973 a second formidable psychic came on board. He was Pat Price, a retired police inspector. Price had no trouble becoming extremely adept at RV.
In Summer 1973, Price, working only from a set of geographic coordinates read to him, provided striking descriptions of a “military-like” facility. As it turned out, the place was a sensitive NSA installation in West Virginia. Price was able to penetrate into the building and among other accurate descriptions, was able to correctly name people working there—but, most important, spoke out classified code words he “read” from file folders.
Next, CIA decided to give Price the coordinates of a Soviet facility whose exact R8D mission was unknown. An extremely elaborate protocol was developed to guard against fraud or other criticism.
Price again provided a great deal of information, but typically there was a mix of signal to noise; good data co-mingled with spurious. Of particular note, however, is a drawing and oral description of a large “crane” at the target site.
Later, CIA analysts concluded that either Remote Viewing had taken place, or Price had intimate knowledge of the URDF-3 (an overhead platform).It was decided to see if Price could operationally assist in technical collection efforts. In two tests checked against the interior plans of foreign embassies known to CIA audio specialists, Price correctly located the code rooms, leading the operations officer to agree that the method did have operational potential.
In Fall 1974, an experiment was conducted in-house by CIA engineers familiar with the SRI-Price coordinates protocol. The result was a description of what could only be a SA-5 missile training site at the coordinates. The Libyan desk officer was impressed, and indicated that a HUMINT agent had previously reported the same information.
In July 1975, Libyan coordinates were provided to Price, who came back with a description of a guerrilla training site again, confirmed by CIA analysts from clandestine agent reporting. The same month Price tragically died of a heart attack.//
From another online source: Wikitree2
// On 13 July 1975 he flew from West Virginia to Washington, DC, where he had met with people from the Office of Naval Intelligence and the National Security Agency that were involved in the work he was doing at SRI. He did not reveal the scope nor the content of the meetings to his friend, but he did say he was bringing documents with him and should anything happen to him while he was in Las Vegas, Nevada, his friend was to secure the material and forward it to Puthoff before the local police took possession of it.
The same day, he flew from Washington, DC to Salt Lake City where he met with his son who interestingly enough had a position on President Gerald Ford’s White House Staff. He spent two or three hours with his son and then flew on to Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
His friend picked him up at the airport and they went to the Stardust Hotel. On the way to the registration desk, a man accidently bumped into Price. Whether or not this bump was in any way significant is open only to conjecture. But shortly thereafter, Pat “began to feel lousy”. Throughout the night he suffered some pain and was having trouble breathing. At 5 am he called his friend for help. Pat was coherent and not complaining of any pain in his arms nor in his chest area. But his [he] witnessed Pat convulsing repeatedly. When the paramedics arrived they shocked him without success. Pat died on 14 Jul 1975 in a Stardust Hotel room in Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada, USA, supposedly of a heart attack, but under suspicious circumstances. Some suspect he was murdered by the KGB or a Russian double-agent.//
Further information on the background and fuzzy demise of Pat Price can be found in the excellent 2019 documentary; Third Eye Spies.3
Project 8200
One day in 1973 Pat Price walked into the office of Hal Puthoff, tossed a file onto his desk, and told him he might be interested in the contents. In the early 1980’s Puthoff passed the same folder on to Skip Atwater. This led to Project 8200, an unofficial project instigated by Skip Atwater to utilise second-generation Star Gate remote viewers in an attempt to verify or refute the 1972-73 UAP/alien data provided by Pat Price to Hal Puthoff. Over the years many notable remote viewers including Joe McMoneagle, Mel Riley and Lyn Buchanan were tasked against the locations cited in the Price papers.
The complete set of pages in Pat Price’s document has STILL not been published.
The Pat Price Alien Bases Document
The pages of text and drawings that Pat Price put on Hal Puthoff’s desk at Stanford Research Institute in 1973. Price had produced these materials on his own, not as part of his assignments at SRI. The document is a startling one claiming the existence of alien bases inside four mountains on planet earth: Mt. Hayes in Alaska, Mt. Perdido in Spain, Mt. Inyangani [now Nyangani] in Zimbabwe, and Mt. Zeil in Australia.
The document describes and illustrates the mountain sites, the nature of the bases, the administration of the bases by aliens, their “ships” and other technology, their agents and their infiltration of human society, and a renegade group which is at war with them. There are also pages about a major storm and Price’s claim that he could, and did, manipulate the weather.
Hal Puthoff passed on the documents to Skip Atwater, who held on to them for many years. Seventeen of these pages were released in the Project 8200 Book by Skip Atwater4 last week. And already in a mere few days I have started to see what I was worried would happen. I have personally had several inquiries from people who want to physically visit the locations and to also run teams of Remote Viewers against these targets.
We obtained a copy of this document in 2022 and we had extensive dialogues about it, its potential release, its implications, and more importantly the timing. I (Daz) was very concerned because we were at a peak of global whistleblower and UAP disclosure and we were gaining great momentum in this area.
I also reached out to the original owner of the Price documents, Hal Puthoff, for confirmation and clarification on a few points but did not get my usual response – just radio silence, and this too concerned me. So, after many conversations, we decided to hold up releasing the materials so as to not influence the global UAP disclosure.
I now need to write this as a warning to all potential psychics and Remote Viewers to be VERY careful. We were ourselves going to release the entire 47-page Pat Price Remote viewing but didn’t need to because Skip Atwater did in his Book ( although now only partially) – but we do and did want to warn people with curiosity.
Be Careful!
I was primarily concerned that I am seeing a growing narrative of people using and promoting the use of remote viewing and CE5 to contact NHI (Non-human Intelligence). I know from my three decades of experience in these conjoined areas that this has the potential for great hazards for many people. Remote viewing when used ‘passively’ usually has little potential for affect on viewers but in an ‘active’ manner the outcome may be entirely different. Especially when dealing with advanced and very PSI-capable beings.
I have stated many times that RV is not a toy to be messed with.
We now also have a wealth of growing data to support a theory that UAP/alien interaction can have negative and positive physical and psychological effects. This has been recorded in books like: Skinwalkers at the Pentagon: An Insiders’ Account of the Secret Government UFO Program (Lacatski and Kelleher)5
//Therefore, among certain people, the phenomenon can “invade” households, family groups, and communities and, acting like an infectious entity, can cause these small groups harm (health and well-being).//
// family members, many of whom in turn have been diagnosed with autoimmune disease, including Sjogren’s syndrome, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Myasthenia Gravis, Graves’ disease, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (lupus), rheumatoid diseases, fibromyalgia and more. This finding can be considered one of the signature advances from the AAWSAP program.//
// Independent of Skinwalker Ranch, the AAWSAP reports delivered to DIA described a number of individuals who came in close contact with UAPs, and autoimmune antigen expression, and more//
Colm A. Kelleher writes in his article in Edge Science, The Pentagon’s Secret UFO Program, the Hitchhiker Effect and Model of Contagion (June 2022)6
// All five DIA personnel deployed to the ranch experienced profound anomalies while on the property, and more importantly, all five “brought something home” with them.//
// Axelrod, accompanied by Jim Costigan and David Wilson, encountered an anomaly on the ranch that caused a lot of fear in all three men. But little did he know that this incident was only the beginning of his troubles. Within a month of arriving back home in Virginia, a plethora of paranormal phenomena suddenly erupted in Axelrod’s home.
For several years following his July 2009 and subsequent trips to the Ranch, Axelrod’s wife and teenage children were subjected to nightmarish “dogmen” appearing in their back yard; two blue, red, yellow, and white orbs routinely floating through the home and in the yard; to black shadow people standing over their beds when they awoke; and to a relentless barrage of loud, unexplained footsteps walking up and down the stairs of their house.//
// The Axelrod family also suffered health effects with the wife suffering flare-ups of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (Lupus) and Raynaud’s Disease. Both Axelrod teenagers also endured intense flu-like symptoms at different times following anomalies in their home, with the most serious medical symptoms occurring in the younger teenager.//
// This feeling of “bringing something home” and the subsequent person to person transmissibility of paranormal phenomena, some of which can last for years, has been named the Hitchhiker Effect. In an April 2022 interview, Skinwalker Ranch research team member Dr. Jim Segala addressed the Hitchhiker phenomenon: “Over the past five years, it has been our experience that when people interact with the phenomena and do not treat the phenomena with respect, that’s when we see a higher rate of the Hitchhiker Syndrome. Symptoms experienced by people range from acute neurological injuries to chronic blood disease. Those who have told us that they have brought home a souvenir often have some type of illness as well as family members. The data again comes from years of tracking and collecting data from those who have come forward.”//
//The Hitchhiker Effect is not unique to Skinwalker Ranch. The AAWSAP research team found that even close encounters with UFOs in locations unrelated to Skinwalker Ranch produced a version of the Hitchhiker Effect.//
So it’s with a warning really that we want to say – YES, read the Pat Price and other Remote Viewing documents related to this. But when deciding to then use Remote Viewing and other techniques to explore this yourself or to blindly task others against – BE VERY CAREFUL!
We do not know whom or what we are remote viewing or contacting. The Pat Price documents and new scientific data indicate that there is potential for harm from contact/experiences with UAP’s and NHI’s — on many levels, both physical and psychological. There is even potential transmissibility to family and friends.
Pat’s initial data indicates a global manipulation of humans on many levels and the ability to remove and unalive humans at will. So be warned, be very careful. Add to this the fact that over the last eighteen months I have been given information from several remote viewing groups that have been targeted against UAP/NHI targets and this resulted in remote viewers being negatively affected on levels like detailed in the Hitch Hiker effects above. I’m not saying don’t explore mysterious targets, I do so myself within several groups. But I never use remote viewing in an ‘active’ way like would be needed for CE5, and I always strive for targets with a good selection of feedback to assess accuracy.
This is me saying be VERY careful.
As with ALL remote viewing information it should always be used and verified with other sources of information – we still do not have full feedback verification on Pat’s original Project 8200 data. We say this to both inform and to warn anyone considering contact to be VERY careful in what you do and wish for.
As a final note, I want to add a statement from Ingo Swann from an unpublished 1993 Roswell Report7 he made for a client on the Roswell UAP event he project managed and had his viewer team work. It’s a perfect complement to my sentiments and an example to all who use Remote Viewing for Mysteries type targets, of a statement we should all be using aside our work.
// As designed by myself and others, all professionally organized remote-viewing attempts are considered experimental, in that the data yields of a site-viewing are held to be tentative until convincing feedback establishes to what degree the data is correct or not. A ’’viewing” (of a distant site or topic) cannot be said to have taken place until positive feedback indicates that it has taken place. This is the formal definition of professional remote viewing in that unless positive feedback is achieved the ’’viewing” must be held as occurring only in the mind or imagination of the alleged viewer.
In the professional sense, the data yields of a remote viewing attempt must come from two or more viewers, not essentially to arrive at a consensus of them, but in that different viewers provide different kinds of data or different emphases of them. Where the combined data of a number of viewers agree is important, but where the data disagree may be equally important.
This data set must be forwarded and identified to others only as an experimental remote-viewing attempt whose data must be considered tentative, and whose efficiency-values, if any, can only be determined if and when feedback of some kind indicates. Any other attribution will be considered by me as unethical.//
Be careful out there. Treat Remote Viewing with respect, know your taskers/clients/project managers, and watch your backs!

- Star Gate FOIA release – Grill Flame information paper, 13 April 1979.
- Wikitree – Pat Price – https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Price-2231
- Third Eye Spies, 2019 – https://youtu.be/c-NGkRppgXo?si=1NIZkUpsJ4s3prsZ
- Project 8200: UFO/UAP Bases and Activities: The original Remote Viewing Transcripts Hardcover – 28 July 2024 by Frederick H. Atwater (Author) Available at All Amazon shops
- Skinwalkers at the Pentagon: An Insiders’ Account of the Secret Government UFO Program (by James Lacatski and Colm Kelleher)
- Colm A. Kelleher – Edge Science : June 2022 – The Pentagon ’s Secret UFO Program, the Hitchhiker Effect and Model of Contagion. https://www.theblackvault .com/case- files/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/colmkelleher-edgescience.pdf
- Ingo Swann’s 1993 Roswell RV report (soon to be published by Daz in a video)
More Resources:
Project 8200, Daz Smith, Russell Pickering and Dennis Nappi II – Podcast
RV Project 8200 (4 Videos) by The Monroe Institute. From 14 to 32 minutes each.