The art of remote Viewing is hard. We have to be honest with this. To become good – its a skill that can take years to develop and hone. Saying this – some of us do have a small grain of natural talent that shows through and can be honed over time with practice. The aim is to NEVER GIVE UP!
Enclosed here are three of my own personal very first attempts at Remote viewing. These were done in 1996. Remote viewing was hardly known, there were NO public methods available to teach you how to do this – there was NO mass of internet resources. I got my partner to cut-out magazine images and seal them in envelopes – these are the results.
You can clearly see that some of my first attempts were terrible – the first two, The Dog, and the Babies were clear misses – the third attempt was the one that showed me there may juts be something to this after all.
Take a look and take heart – we all start off bad, the only way is up.