The Quantum Mechanics Podcast – Remote Viewing Daz’s Target – 0003-1471

One of the worlds leading psychic Remote Viewers Daz Smith sets Ben and Peter a blind target for them to psychically view. All Ben and Peter know is the number 0003-1471. They record their experience separately then get together with Daz to see how they did. The results blew their minds! Remote viewing here:…

eight martinis issue 16 - April 2018

8 martinis issue 16 – the trainers issue

eight martinis issue 16 – April 2018 If you wanted to know everything about RV training, the who, why and how much this issue has interviews && details form seventeen RV trainers. Issue 16 contains the following: An article: Remote Viewing Training Survey – Debra Lynne Katz Interviews with Remote Viewing trainers, including: Angela T…

remote viewing AREA51

Remote Viewing AREA 51.

with President Obama’s admission on Sunday, 8 December 2013, that Area 51 exists (see also the CIA acknowledgement) it now becomes a valid target for remote viewing. There are lots of verifiable elements on the surface that can be corroborated with remote viewing done totally blind. The only question remaining is what exists BELOW the surface. That is the million dollar question, and that is what the secrecy is all about.

8 Martinis Remote Viewing magazine – Issue 15 April 2017.

– Predicting the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election – Debra Lynne Katz & Michelle Freed Bulgatz, Data Analyst: Nancy McLaughlin-Walter.
– The “Romance Of The Skies”. – Angela Thompson Smith Ph.D
– Remote Viewing Alpha Centauri.- Tunde Atunrase.
– Putting SUARV to the Test.- Jon Knowles, Elisa Lagana, Alexis Poquiz.
– Tasking RV Targets.- Daz Smith.
– Words As Eggs – Vistas Of Linguistic Ambiguity.- DR. David Shaver, N.C.Psy.A.
– Explorations into Remote Viewing Microscopic Organisms (“The Phage”).- Debra Lynne Katz, Lance William Beem, T.W. Fendley.
– Roswell – Interview with the Farsight team Courtney Brown & Dick Allgire.- Daz Smith.
– Daz Smith Full Roswell RV session.
– Remote Viewing Websites & Resources.