Welcome. So you have just found out about the skill called remote viewing and now you want to know all the juicy details about it and if you can do it. Look no further as this guide will help you on your way to becoming a Jedi. So let’s start at the Beginning shall we.
What is remote Viewing?
OK, here is one of the official definitions. A January 1979 SECRET progress report from SRI (Stanford Research Institute) to the D.I.A describes Remote Viewing as:
“Remote Viewing (RV) is the acquisition and description, by mental means, of information blocked from ordinary perception by distance or shielding, and generally believed to be secure against such access.”
– SRI quarterly progress report for the DIA – Jan 10, 1979.
Now, here is the layman’s version.
Remote Viewing is a person using their natural or developed ‘psychic’ or ‘intuitive’ skill to gather data in the form of words, sketches and sometimes models about a target that is remote from them in time and space. Each remote viewing experiment is conducted under a set or protocols or rules that separate remote Viewing out from the more classical psychic techniques and to act as a method to assess the accuracy of the intuitive data.
What are the protocols that define Remote Viewing?
The most common Remote Viewing protocols are:
- Planned and Aimed. The Remote Viewing session must be planned and done on purpose. If you get a “spontaneous insight” or have a dream, that is not Remote Viewing. Remote Viewing is when you intend to collect information about a specific target.
- Recorded – The remote viewing data is recorded in some format; written, audio taped or video taped.
- Double-Blind/Single Blind. In most experiments, if the person giving the answers does not know the question, it would be called “blind” or “single-blind”. Remote Viewing is required to be “double-blind”. That means there are two (double) layers of “blinding”. It means the psychic cannot know the target, AND, nobody else who is present with the psychic during the session (even by remote means such as webcam or phone) can know the target either. This is because even pheromones, voice-frequencies, and many other “invisible” physiological senses can transfer information below the conscious level.
- Feedback. Although you can be psychic about anything (the future, for example), in order to “validate” the data IS psychic and not just a wild guess, it has to be at least partly correct. In order to know what is correct, we need the real info to ‘compare to’ the session data. We call that information “feedback.”
When was Remote Viewing Created?
Some people would have you believe that Remote Viewing has been around for centuries and that it’s just a form of clairvoyance letting you see and experience things far away – it’s not. Remote viewing was created and termed in the early 70’s and is very specific.
From the years 1972 – 1995 Remote viewing was studied and developed under scientific conditions at SRI (Stanford Research Incorporated) and eventually formed into a trainable skill that was transferred to the U.S. military to be used in operational data gathering (Spying).
Can anyone be a Remote Viewer?
The quick answer is YES. The long answer is YES, But…the But is that like everything in life there is a scale and many factors will impact how well any person can remote view. Something like this.
Natural ability + knowledge + a method + practice + dedication/time = results.
The differing combination of values afforded to each of these components will affect how good a person becomes at Remote Viewing.
What are these Remote Viewing methods I keep hearing about?
Good question. Remote viewing is most commonly practised within a developed methodology of very structured stages that help the ‘viewer’ slowly build the incoming impressions, whilst minimizing the signal to noise.
In the mid 1970’s SRI (Stanford Research Institute) using Ingo Swann as a sub contractor, developed Remote Viewing into a trainable methodology initially called Coordinate Remote Viewing, later changed to Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV).
From the late 70’s to 1986 Ingo Swann broke down his intuitive process, analysing what was happening and he and Hal Puthoff developed this into a six stage method that allows the remote viewer to record their data in a clear format, and to recognise real data from potential noise (signal to noise). CRV, went through many stages of revision and refinement, at first using Ingo Swann as the primary test subject, and later on other subjects, finally the U.S. military sent a selection of trainees as test of concept students.
CRV was then taught and used operationally until 1995 when the Star Gate project as its collectively known, closed and become public domain news. Today you will find many first, second, third, and more generation remote viewers teaching CRV and other mutations and derivatives of this initial methodology. Click here for an info graphic showing these methods.
The Military CRV manual and other Remote Viewing training manuals can be found here:
Now, just to be clear, not everyone uses and trains in one of these methodologies; in fact some of the very best Remote Viewers recorded don’t use one of these but instead have their own personal and less formal ways of remote viewing. But remember they still work within the scientific protocols that define Remote Viewing.
Where can I get Remote Viewing training and How much does it cost?
This is a tricky question with no easy answer as it depends how you want to learn it. If it’s being taught by a competent person then first you need to research the field and find which teacher and which style or method of Remote Viewing will fit you and your needs. As A guide I created this Issue of eight Martinis Remote Viewing magazine, which has interviews with most (14) of the teachers in Remote Viewing, so that you can make an informed choice.
Click here for the trainers guide:
How long will it take me?
Well this again depends on that equation and most of all your innate natural ability, plus your willingness to learn and practice. From my experience I would say it mirrors Martial Arts training whereby it takes 2-5 years to become a black belt and proficient enough that the methods become muscle memory.
You can get useable remote viewing data right off the bat, but consistent and detailed will probably take years to master.
Where can I learn More?
Well here of course. This website is packed with documents, papers, examples, videos and much more. There is also eight Martinis magazine – A free magazine in .pdf or printed versions – packed with articles, news and remote viewing examples.
What to do next?
If you really are excited by the possibilities of Remote Viewing then welcome and great!
Now, do not jump straight into where and who do I train with. Learning this to the best of your ability will take time and dedication, so research first, read some of the great Remote Viewing books, ask questions, then if still interested ask yourself can I spend the next five years learning this and if yes, then look at the options for learning. It can be done for pretty much nothing using free resources, books and videos or it can be done with highly trained and experienced teachers – but that will have a cost which will be thousands.
Remote viewing seems to have no bounds or limitations; it can be an amazing tool and can open up new experiences and ways of looking at the universe around you.
New – 2021 – A simple remote viewing template and guide video.
a video and document with a simple remote viewing template for you to try remote viewing for yourself.